The Justice Reinvestment Committee met Wednesday, September
13th in Bismarck. This committee is charged with continuing the
study of alternatives to incarceration. This effort has been on-going since
2005 and will focus more this interim on behavior health programs for
individuals in the criminal justice system. Committee Chairman, Senator Kelly
Armstrong opened the day up with an overarching statement.
“I envision us focusing our attention on a more holistic
approach of how to deal with the non-violent, addiction related offenders. We
need to remember that a majority of these offenders are in county facilities. In
anything we develop moving forward we need to make sure we are working with the
county sheriffs, jails and state’s attorneys.”
NDACo provided the committee with an update on the inmate
population at county correctional facilities. According to a recent jail
survey, there were 1548 inmates in county facilities on April 1, 2017. This is
down about 200 inmates from the last population survey conducted in 2015.
What’s interesting is that in North Dakota, 51% of all inmates are in county
facilities; compared to nationally where 32% are in county jails. NDACo also
provided lawmakers with a look at the jail expansion projects for 2017. This
year, 8 counties will open jail expansions that will bring an additional 886 jail
beds online.
NDACo has developed a survey to collect data from the state’s
23 jails operating as grade 1 & 2 facilities (holding inmates for more than 96 hours). The survey has
been sent to the facilities and information will be analyzed and shared with
the Justice Reinvestment Committee. Committee members have key interest in what counties are
doing to identify behavior health needs. Preliminary findings show that 18
counties are screening inmates for behavior health issues; three counties
employ Behavior Health Specialists; nine counties have employees assigned to
provide medical services to inmates and 10 counties have referred inmates have
referred inmates for further assessment based on the results of intake
Members of the committee also received an update on the
numbers of juveniles being incarcerated and the juvenile justice system in
North Dakota. It was noted that North Dakota kids are arrested for fewer
“violent” crimes compared to national figures. However, arrests for
“non-violent” offenses like disorderly conduct, property crime and drugs pushed
North Dakota’s overall juvenile crime rate higher. Director of the Juvenile
Services Division at the North Dakota Department of Corrections and
Rehabilitation (ND DOCR) told committee members that resources are important to
create more options to divert kids away from going into the system.
This committee also took initial testimony on a study of the
operation, management, standards and supervision of city, county and regional
correctional facilities and a possible transition of the supervision of these
facilities from ND DOCR to the Attorney General. Local correctional facilities
have been under the oversight of DOCR since 1989. Director, Leann Bertsch,
provided committee members with a very descriptive list of jail inspection
findings and compliance orders that have been issued as a result of those
“These inspections take a lot of time and effort. It is a
regulatory role and we are in the best position to conduct this role. Removing
us from this role would adversely impact the safety of inmates in jails,”
Bertsch said.
Bertsch told committee members there would be no advantage to
transferring the oversight to the attorney general.
No position has been taken on the oversight study by NDACo or
its member associations at this time.