"County prosecutors 100% support Justice Reinvestment. The $7 million budgeted for community programs in 2017 is just not enough," said Birst. "Prosecutors are also very concerned about proposed budget cuts that Governor Doug Burgum suggested when he released his budget guidelines to state agencies last week. In particular, counties believe funding cuts to the juvenile court system would be detrimental."
As a follow up, NDACo informed the committee about the establishment of the County Working Group on Justice Reinvestment that recently held a session to identify potential concepts or models that any county in the state could implement as alternatives to jail. The working group was made up of 22 county officials from across the state and from various county capacities including: Sheriffs, Commissioners, Jail Administrators, State's Attorneys, a Social Service Director, Public Health director and a County Administrator.

A report highlighting the key findings from this planning session is being compiled. We highly anticipate policy will be developed to provide assistance for the local effort of addressing alternatives and expanding behavior health programs.