Tuesday, March 26, 2019

SB 2124 - Social Service Redesign Update

The House Human Services passed SB 2124 (Social Service Redesign) out of committee Tuesday, as amended, with an unanimous vote. The amendments will be on the house floor next, then the bill will be re-referred to House Appropriations.

Key changes outlined in the amendment include:

States Attorneys: There will be flexibility provided to zones to select a state’s attorney to represent the zone (ex. for personnel matters, board representation, etc.). The zone will be able to work with the state’s attorneys in the zone to develop a plan for child welfare and other needs. Each state’s attorney will be ensured individual discretion in court filings and representation. Collaboration is encouraged and supported through amendment.

DHS Authority Over Hiring and Dismissal: Language was amended to ensure DHS has the authority to authorize or deny requests to fill positions as well as authority to “veto” employment terminations if determined necessary. DHS will also be provided authority to “veto” an applicant for the Zone Director position if determined necessary. This was done to ensure accountability and state voice recognizing that salaries are paid in full with state dollars.

Zone Board Membership: Language was amended to simplify this section. Zone Board membership will be expected to reflect the community served. In addition, legislators will no longer be required to serve on the board. However, they may fill a community leader slot on the board.

Zone Changes: Permissive language was provided for a process to be developed to allow an individual county to change zones if warranted.

Pilot Projects: Language was included to require all counties to participate and execute pilot/expansion projects in accordance with the provisions of the pilot/expansion.

Salaries and Compensation: Bottom line is equal pay for equal jobs. Parameters were put in place to ensure progress is made towards compensation equity.

Reporting: Addition of reporting requirement for DHS to appropriations committees each session on the metrics, costs, trends, etc. of the redesign work.

FTE's: The number of positions that can be transferred from the zones to the state was reduced to 140 from 223. Specific positions are detailed. Biggest change is the reduction in economic assistance related transfers and the addition of HCBS related transfers. We requested from the Department background on this change. We will forward that additional information as soon as it is available.

Zone Development: All counties will have the flexibility to present plans partnering with whatever other counties they determine to be in the best interest of their areas. This addresses the concerns from Burleigh and Morton. The language continues to reflect that the department has final say over zone membership.

Office Equipment: Permissive language is included to allow transfer of equipment, furnishings, etc. between the zone and the state when an employee transitions from zone to state employment yet remains housed within the zone. This allows for the process but does not require such transfer.
Chairman Weisz introduced a separate amendment that included the items outlined above with the addition of making the Zone Director a state employee. That version was not passed. 

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